Sunday, November 2, 2008

5 months together

Today marks 5 months since Michael and I walked into the Klintsy baby home in Russia to bring Aaden home. What big changes have the last month brought? The biggest one is "the whine". Yes, along with all the wonderful aspects of attachment going really well these last 2 months, Aaden has figured out how to whine. And how to fake tears when mommy leaves the room to really make her feel guilty. I left Aaden with our sitter for a quick appoinment I had and he screamed/cried horribly when I left. I almost didn't leave I felt so bad. I'm not even at the end of my street and I call because I'm honestly thinking of turning back around I feel so bad for my little guy. The sitter answers with no screaming in the background. How is he I ask? She said as soon I was out of eyesight he shut off the tears and began to play with her. Hmmm... is he that smart already? I think I have my work cut out for me. On the happy side, it's so nice that he now comes to me for everything and understands I'm his mom. When I do come back if I've been gone, he screams with excitement and comes running for me to pick him up and kiss him. That is priceless and melts my heart every time.

Here are some recent pictures of Aaden including Halloween. He didn't really get the concept and spend most of the time "whining" because he wanted to run into the street and didn't understand why he had to hold our hands. But he had a great time at home watching all the kids come to our house dressed up.

Thursday, October 2, 2008

4 months

Today marks 4 months since we gathered Aaden in our arms in Russia and became a family. It seems like forever ago and at the same time like yesterday. We spent so much time in Russia during those 3 trips that I feel like we were just there yesterday. At first I thought it was crazy they made you spend so much time there but now I am grateful we did. Russia will always be a special place for us because that's where we became a family with Aaden and I look forward to a day when Aaden is old enough to understand and we can take him back to his birth country and share the experience.

On the flip side, Aaden has changed so much that it seems like forever ago. He was still very baby like at 17 months old, just starting to walk and very wobbly, just starting solid foods and learning how to drink from a sippee cup, he didn't give kisses/hugs or wave hello, he didn't quite grasp what to do with toys yet so he just threw them and then ran around as long as he could exploring his new world until his little legs tired out, he couldn't fall asleep on his own - in short, he was the cutest most lovable little man ever but exhausted his mommy an daddy! Now he has gained 6 pounds, grown 1 inch, and has turned into a little boy of 21 months. He runs and loves to play chase instead of wobbles, is a champ at eating almost any foods, is generous with his kisses and loves to wave hello & goodbye, can sit and play with his toys instead of just throwing them (although he still does that too!), and can fall asleep on his own without any problems. It is amazing to me how much he has learned and absorbed in such a short amount of time. Oh yeah, and he can say a handful of words, do some sign language, and comprehend what we say to him on a typical 21 month old level. The cute, lovable baby we held in our arms in June has turned into a cute, lovable, energetic, and happy little boy.

Aaden - June 2008 & September 2008

Sunday, May 25, 2008

Welcome to our new home!

In one short week, we will be on our way to Russia to bring our son, Aaden, home. It will be time to retire and start new. I orginally started this blog just to keep friends and family updated during the process but it ended up being a wonderful way to keep in touch too. So I will continue to blog here. Welcome!